PUMPS (ref. ct/43)
- the MANZINI SUPERBA range of pumps is designed for the transfer
of liquids as different as wines, vinegars, fruit juices and pulps
(including citrus fruits), de-stalked grapes, must, dregs, oil,
sludges, and dense liquids in general even containing suspended bodies
(see the high pressure pumps catalogue for purification sludge
transfer), liqueurs, and industrial and drinking alcohol requiring
flame-proof motors etc. ;
- SUPERBA pumps are self priming to heights of 9.3 metres
below pump level and have maximum operating pressures of up to 3.5
atm.. Unlike many other types of pump, MANZINI piston pumps can run dry
without any problems;
- MANZINI pumps are manufactured using thick castings for extra
strength, reliability, and a longer working life;
- MANZINI pumps feature an ample end of stroke gap to ensure
that solid foreign bodies (bottom of tank dregs, pieces of wood or
metal, small stones, or tools accidentally sucked in do not cause
serious damage to the piston and connecting rod or drive gear;
- the dimensions of MANZINI pump bodies are carefully designed to
give a lower number of piston strokes for the same delivery than with
alternative pumps. This makes these pumps particularly gentle on the
product. Extra slow speed electric pumps (down to 15-30 strokes/minute
or to order) can also be provided on request. These give an even
flow with performance similar to screw pumps with rubber stator or lobe
pumps while still maintaining the traditional advantages of piston
pumps, including a lower operating speed than virtually any other
type of pump, causing less damage to the product and avoiding product
heating. These pumps also offer trouble-free dry running (unlike screw
pumps with rubber stator), trouble-free transfer of liquids containing
solid bodies in suspension, excellent self-priming characteristics,
maximum versatility, minimum maintenance, and a long working life;
- MANZINI SUPERBA pumps are designed for maximum interchangeability
of components subject to wear, and for simple servicing;
- the SUPERBA pumps are available in standard, stainless steel and
bronze version (see below) and with pump bodies manufactured entirely
from stainless steel (see catalogue). The fully stainless steel
versions can be fitted with an optional throttle inverter for use with
liquids containing large solid bodies in suspension. This replaces the
ball inverter and by-pass fitted as standard (a patented MANZINI
exclusive). This device enables pump delivery to be reduced until the
lines become completely closed;
- stainless steel and bronze versions are fitted with
interchangeable polished cylinder sleeves (4 mm in thickness),
connecting rods, piston, valve guides, air chambers, cylinder ends, and
other parts in stainless steel to eliminate the problem of metal
transfer to pumped liquids. All mechanical moving parts subject to
any form of friction or to compression are in stainless steel.
Metal transfer can in any case be completely eliminated by the simple
expedient of never leaving liquids standing in the pump for hours and
by washing the pump out at the end of each working day. This prevents
active liquids from remaining in contact with bronze components for
extended periods of time. The use of stainless steel for those
parts subject to friction or compression not only eliminates the risk
of metal transfer during transfer of wine, but also ensures a longer
working life for the pump;
- the electrical system comes complete with a 24 V CEI standard
transformer. Special electrical systems can be fitted to order.
This electrical system is designed So that the two pump speeds
are controlled by completely independent circuits, both protected
against voltage peaks and over-current caused by mechanical overload,
which could otherwise damage the motor. If one of the two circuits
develops a fault (e.g. a coil fault), the other circuit continues to
work perfectly so that the day's work can be completed using the second
speed before repairs have to be carried out; An exceptionally reliable
and compact radio control can also be fitted to enable the pump to be
switched on and off and for speed changes to be made at a distance;
- please refer to the specifications table for details on
individual models.
Technical Office
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